Fits additive models of peaks of varying strengths in various locations to the adjusted readcounts via RJMCMC, and stores these models on disk.
peaky( bait, omega_power, iterations = 1e+06, min_interactions = 20, log_file = NA )
bait | Data table containing the putative interactions of a bait, having the columns 'baitID', 'dist', and 'residual'. These report the bait ID, its distance to putative preys, and the adjusted readcounts for its interactions with them, respectively. |
omega_power | Expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details. |
iterations | Number of models to parametrize. Greated numbers should lead to increased reproducibility. |
log_file | Path to a log file. |
The output directory.
The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \(\omega\) according to \(\beta\) exp(-\(|\omega * d|\)), where \(\beta\) represents peak height and \(d\) the distance from the center of the peak in bp.
base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky") interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv") fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed") interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file) fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file) if (FALSE) { BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5) models = by(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin, model_bin, subsample_size=1000) residuals = lapply(models, "[[", "residuals") bins = split(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin) BTS = split_baits(bins, residuals) peaky(BTS[baitID==618421], omega_power=-4.7, iterations=10e3) }