Fits additive models of peaks of varying strengths in various locations to the adjusted readcounts via RJMCMC, and stores these models on disk.
peaky_fs( baitlist, index, output_dir, omega_power, iterations = 1e+06, min_interactions = 20 )
baitlist | Path to the list of baits to be processed. |
index | Which bait on the list to process, with 1 corresponding to the first one on the list. |
output_dir | Directory where all RJMCMC results will be stored. Will be created if it does not exist. |
omega_power | Expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details. |
iterations | Number of models to parametrize. Greated numbers should lead to increased reproducibility. |
min_interactions | Minimum requirement for the number of prey fragments (and thus counts) associated with a bait, baits with fewer are skipped. |
List containing the model output directory and the models themselves.
The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \(\omega\) according to \(\beta\) exp(-\(|\omega * d|\)), where \(\beta\) represents peak height and \(d\) the distance from the center of the peak in bp.